Would This Be Considered an Internet/chatting Addiction?

Question by SmartyPants: Would this be considered an internet/chatting addiction?
If he spends about 12 hours a day in a chat room full of strangers convinced they are his friends and doesn’t make an effort at all to make real life friends. He is 17. He goes to school online because he has anxiety to be in a reg. school. I guess my question is would this be considered an addiction if he really doesn’t have much of a life other than doing this all day or is that the reason he doesn’t have much of a life? He has always struggled with fitting in and friendships but when he found this chat room nearly 2 years ago it’s where he spends all of his time. He wants to be a rockstar someday but with emotional problems someday do you think he will make it? I guess I’m just looking for some insight into addictions and ppl who get all of their socialization online. Thanks

Best answer:

Answer by WRX-STi
a rockstar?
does he even play any instruments?

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