Arkansas Drug Rehab Detox| 877 677 4695 | Arkansas Substance Abuse Treatment


Arkansas Drug Rehab Detox| 877 677 4695 | Arkansas Substance Abuse Treatment – Arkansas Drug Rehab Detox| 877 677 4695 | Arkansas Substance Abuse Treatment Alcohol detoxification Alcohol Rehab Alc…


Amendment would crack down on street sales of opiate treatment drug

Filed under: drug abuse treatment

State senators Thursday proposed legislation intended to crack down on the amount of the opiate addiction treatment drug buprenorphine that is being sold on the street. A four-page amendment to a major bill the Senate Judiciary Committee is crafting …


Darryl Strawberry to open substance abuse treatment center

Filed under: drug abuse treatment

It is a common story line that doesn't always end well, but that was nearly 20 years ago and Strawberry, now a pastor, continues to walk the line and is now opening a substance abuse treatment center. The Darryl Strawberry Recovery Center (DSRC) will …
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Hillside Releases Infographic on Dual-Diagnosis Rates for Drug Abuse & Mental

Filed under: drug abuse treatment

(PRLEAP.COM) Hillside, a drug and alcohol treatment center in Eastern Pennsylvania, published an infographic that illustrates some of the challenges faced by those with a co-occurrence of drug abuse and mental health issues. The goal of the infographic …
Read more on PR Leap (press release)


Buffalo Treatment Center for Alcohol & Drug Addiction Announced

Filed under: drug abuse treatment

A Buffalo treatment center is pleased to announce that programs to help adults and adolescents end their alcohol and drug addiction are now available. Alcohol, cocaine, heroin, and Oxycontin are just a few of the substances that the treatment center …