Christian Treatment Programs??

Question by stolenvoice_x: christian treatment programs??
I am looking for a christian based place to go for residential treatment. I was looking into Mercy Ministries and I am pretty much a no on that and I am a DEFINITE NO on teen challenge. Preferably somewhere in Michigan. Mercy seemed so practical because it’s free, and really sounds like what I need but it’s pretty far away and they require a 6 month commitment and I don’t think I could commit to that. I am struggling with a lot right now… I am only now dealing with a rape that occured in 2002, I have been self-injuring for 10 years now and drug/alcohol dependent among lots of other things. I have been in the hospital (mental ward) about 13+ times now, residential rehab once, outpatient rehab once, I guess the list could go on.. I really need some help…. really bad… soon.. I think about suicide way too often.
I’m really scared of being in a strict, religious environment. I was raised christian but walked away from god and the church and I get really angry when I think about god, or hear people talk about him… almost enraged..
I don’t know if I can handle it.. and as for strict, I’ve always been allowed to do what I want.. so yea, I’m terrified… but I need the help. Possibly long term but not a year long.. šŸ™ I dont know what to do!!!!! I need help but nothing has worked!
because like i said, nothing else has worked.

Best answer:

Answer by Echo
Why are you angry with God? He is the only one who can heal you.

And if you hate God so much, why do you want to go to a Christian treatment program???

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