Drug Addiction Help

Which Signs Are Most Prone to Drug Addiction?

Question by Beyond: Which signs are most prone to drug addiction?
I heard it was Virgo (self destructive) and Pisces (escapism), do you know any and do you know their sign?

If you don’t like astrology don’t answer!!

Best answer:

Answer by Aaya Ali
hahah yeah you got it. pisces for sure.

What do you think? Answer below!


Students trying to save peers from tragic trend of suicide

Filed under: signs of drug addiction


Question by V: Marijuana?
How bad is marijuana for you? I’ve heard a lot of different things…Some say marijuana is worse than cigarettes…some say cigarettes are worse than marijuana…and some believe marijuana is supposedly good for you…?

Best answer:

Answer by gaby
good for you help u relax
marijuana its not addictive dont believe that the guy who said probably never smoked marijuana before its maybe like the only one thats not addictive
u can stop whenever u want

Add your own answer in the comments!



Teen Prescription Drug Abuse on the Rise


Teen prescription drug abuse on the rise – Teen prescription drug abuse on the rise Teen prescription drug abuse on the rise. ALBANY — We’re here to talk about prescription drug abuse and it is an ep…


St. Mary's sheriff's budget gets million boost

Filed under: drug abuse help in maryland

After a recent community forum on drug abuse, Morgan said the sheriff took out the additional narcotics detective from the budget request. “We recognize we have a huge problem and we pass” on the new detective, Morgan said. “I look at it as how many …
Read more on So Md News

How Do You Cure an Internet Addiction?

Question by Malsa1: How do you cure an internet addiction?
Hi, I’m an internet junkie and definately qualify for the symptons of an addiction. When I’m not on the machine I desperately wait to use it again and when it’s my turn if someone else is still using it I start to feel angry because I can’t use it.

I don’t even like using it, in fact I despise this machine. I waste all my time on it barely doing anything interesting despite chatting when I could so more productively use that time for my new job or my world travelling ambitions. When I finally finish using it I never feel satisfied and want to use it more.

Addiction – What Is Inherently Wrong With It?

Question by Halsfield: Addiction – What is inherently wrong with it?
(I restarted this question because i laid the last question out sloppily and people were missing my point)

Question: What is wrong with being addicted to something? Everyone is addicted to something right now, but people seem to have this great fear and abhorrence for drug addiction without really explaining or knowing why it seems.

Definition: addiction is a state in which the body relies on a substance for normal functioning and develops physical dependence. When this substance is suddenly removed, it will cause withdrawal, a characteristic set of signs and symptoms

Jane’s Addiction-Underground Live at Terminal 5 in NYC, 12/29/12


Jane’s Addiction-Underground live at Terminal 5 in NYC, 12/29/12 – Jane’s Addiction live at Terminal 5 in New York City, December 29, 2012.