Questions About Drug Abuse?

Question by Zugoo: Questions about drug abuse?
Hello, i have a project about drugs, but i need some questions to write about before i start.
Does anyone have any idea for some questions about how to fight drug abuse by teenagers?

Thank you!

Best answer:

Answer by Kevin
I think you should look into how people start using/abusing drugs. I the biggest reason why people abuse drugs is a mixture of boredom, individual strength and peer pressure.

I’ve abused/used drugs in the past. I’ve used stuff like weed, cocaine, ecstasy, not for a very long time but i did use it regularly. I’m very ashamed about it.

I think if I got involved more in clubs and society and developed my interpersonal skills I wouldn’t have ever used drugs and would have been happy with who i am.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!



My story on drug abuse. hopefully a message for teens. – Just my story on my experiences with drugs first hand and the people around me who were on them.