Rehab or Substance Abuse Program?
Question by Angel Stokes: Rehab or Substance abuse program?
I don’t know anything about either. But my husband is a felon, and on probation. He apparently has been doing stuff lately. He is being accused of stealing. Don’t know if he did, or not…
He wants rehab… He wants to be done with this. He’s done great for so long (I think peer pressure has a lot to do with it) Because he has been clean for 2 years…
I don’t know if how this will go, but it doesn’t look good. My husband truly is a good guy, he’s been taking crunchbars lately, and he doesn’t remember anything… He’s just got a bad problem.
He wants rehab, but I’m wondering what would be better for him? Rehab or SAP? What is the benefits? What’s the cost? Are they basically the same program? Would one benefit him better than the other, if so, which one?
Does anyone know anything about stuff like this? My husband isn’t a thief, which is why I find it so hard to bel
My husband has passed several random drug test. His PO has come to our house a couple times, and he’s passed, when he goes there, he passes. Lately, he’s been noticeably messed up for people who can realize that…
Not all drug attics are bad people, that’s why there are so many past drug attics who now are doing great…
Also, since you are so involved in looking things up. Look up side effects of zanax/crunchbars, especially if abused. One of the biggest side effects is loss of memory while taking them… Either way, he wants help. It would be nice to know that someone does care about helping others… My husband has recognized his problem, he’s admitted (and he’s a very stubborn person) and he wants help. That’s always a start. Kindness is a virtue… You would feel otherwise, if it was a loved one… And, you knew that loved one was a good person…
Best answer:
Answer by jim
Drug addicts lie. I don’t believe he’s been clean.
He steals candy and doesn’t remember. That’s got to be a lie.
Add your own answer in the comments!
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