Should All Drugs Be Legalized? Illegalized?

Question by Mr J: Should all Drugs be legalized? illegalized?
I am talking about all drugs. I am sure there are a lot of people who are going to advocate Marijuana legalization on here. Potheads: go chill out and smoke a bowl “maaan”, your not aloud in this conversation.
The truth: Are you high on THC right now? You need to look at both sides of the argument.

There are also many arguments against legalization.


Legalization would increase the number of casual users which, in turn, would increase the number of drug abusers.

More drug users, abusers, and addicts would mean more health problems and lower economic productivity.

Although legalization might result in savings in expensive criminal justice costs and provide tax revenues, increased public-health costs and reduced economic productivity due to more drug-dependent workers would offset the financial benefits of legalization.

The argument based on the analogy between alcohol and tobacco versus psychoactive drugs is weak because its conclusion—psychoactive drugs should be legalized—does not follow from its premises. It is illogical to say that because alcohol and tobacco take a terrible toll (for example, they are
Legalizing all drugs or making all drugs illegal are both not the solution.
But, I knew a pothead would respond by saying all drugs should be legal, just for the sake of his precious weed so he can relax while everything goes to shit.

Best answer:

Answer by This Calls For A Sexy Party
No. High crime rates and drugs tend to go hand in hand.

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