What Were the First Signs of Your Loved Ones Drug Addiction?

Question by nacho c: What were the first signs of your loved ones drug addiction?
Those who have known addicts…Do drug addicts make plans and not show up? Also, those who have learned their loved one is an addict, can u please share the awkward/unsual or addict behavior you discovered?

Best answer:

Answer by PEGGY S
Yes, they do and they are usually moody and broke most of the time, unless they are wealthy.

Add your own answer in the comments!


Tuscaloosa nonprofit looks to increase drug awareness in area schools

Filed under: signs of drug addiction

In previous year, PRIDE has had assemblies for 10th-grade students, teaching them to be responsible for their actions and to demonstrate the true meaning of addiction, rather than telling teenagers what they can and can not do. "Teenagers are not going …
Read more on Tuscaloosa News (subscription)


Police Warn Of Rising Use Of Heroin In Westchester

Filed under: signs of drug addiction

WESTCHESTER COUNTY, N.Y. — Police are warning residents that heroin use is on the rise in Westchester, and that residents should be on the lookout for signs of heroin use among their loved ones. "You may think it can't happen to your family, your …
Read more on The Daily Voice