drug addiction

CNN W/ Erin Burnett on Earmark Spending, the Real Problem With Washington


CNN w/ Erin Burnett on Earmark Spending, the Real Problem with Washington – As today marked the release of Citizens Against Government Waste (CAGW)’s annual report of congressional earmark spending, Dr. Coburn reiterated the importan…


Armstrong teammate Hincapie pens stark memoir

Filed under: drug addiction help washington

Hincapie said that his drug use eventually “took on the significance of simply taking vitamins,” and described his routine. He took EPO every other day for two weeks before a major race, up until two days before the event, with testosterone or growth …
Read more on Washington Post

Cause and Effects of Drug Addiction


cause and effects of drug addiction






What Happens When You Get High?

Question by volleyball<3: what happens when you get high?
does it effect remembering anything at all? so my recent boyfriend lied to me and said he wasn’t smoking tonight but later admitted it.i was wondering what exactly happens when someones high. I don’t want to talk to him because hes high and doest deserve my time honestly. but I was wondering if it effects memory or anything so I can just say you wouldn’t remember half the conversation
I honestly don’t care that he smoked. if he was like hey im probably gonna smoke today I would have been cool with it. but the thing is he lied and then felt bad and told me but he still lied. its just that he gave up smoking like 7 months ago and was so proud of himself and was talking about how he wouldn’t do it again and how dumb he was. like that’s what makes me annoyed

Best answer:

Answer by u_mad
http://learn.genetics.utah.edu/content/addiction/drugs/mouse.html it depends on the drug. This site will help

What do you think? Answer below!



Utah Rehab Center – Turning Point Centers’ new 14000-square-foot Bell Canyon rehab facility in Sandy, Utah, sits on five and a half acres and has 12 beds, four of which are in …


Bridgewell officials eye expansion

Filed under: drug addiction help utah

Please Help! Where Do I Seek a Rehabilitation Center for Drug Abuse That Is Decent?

Question by dbelsila: Please help! Where do I seek a rehabilitation center for drug abuse that is decent?
My [foster] son in an abuser of crack cocaine. He has been “clean” for a while, but having trouble and really wants to use. I need to find a facility for him to go to to start rehab. Everything around me is like a 3 month waiting list! Anyone know how I can find help immediately? Some referral or some facility in Central Illinois. I’m willing to travel. I have looked on line and called tons of places. They have a waiting list. He is 19 with no insurance or job. Please please please help. We are desparate. I will even go to Wisconsin, Indiana, or Missouri. Please please please. We tried one facility, but it was awful. They actually were doing drugs right in the facility during the “class time”. Any suggestions for help? We have tried NA, it was a joke .. at least in my area. I don’t know how to find anything else. Any info would be helpful.

Why Cant Drug Addiction Programs Reduce Drug Abuse?

Question by zach m: Why cant drug addiction programs reduce drug abuse?
I have to do a health debate on why drug addiction programs cant reduce drug abuse. any ideals

Best answer:

Answer by rhonda k
i have dealt with people addicted my whole life and the stuff i have seen and blessed me to never get into drugs i am actually scared to dealth of them!!